Call for Papers

The International Journal of Innovations in Scientific Engineering (IJISE) is an international journal that publishes original and unique research papers submitted by prominent engineers, managers, scientists, and researchers in the field of science, technology and engineering. The IJISE journal is well appreciated and well-known among all members of the research community in every part of the globe. We invite and urge everyone in the research community around the world to share fresh ideas that contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the potential for improved future prospects. For their original research/ideas/developments/results and applications in all fields of science, technology and engineering, we are deeply committed to researchers, intellectuals, engineers and scientists.

The International Journal of Innovations in Scientific Engineering (IJISE), a peer-reviewed international journal, is now accepting research article submissions. By emphasizing on a wide range of study issues in Engineering, this journal pledges to publishing original and high-quality research articles. Researchers, academics, professionals, and students from all over the world are invited to submit high-quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, review papers, survey articles, comments, and brief messages to IJISE, which is published halfyearly.

Please click here to see the scope of the journal.

How to Make a Submission

Papers can be submitted online by clicking here, by emailing, or by sending a WhatsApp message to +91-9555269393.

Submissions are now being accepted.

There is no deadline for submissions because it is a continuous publication. As soon as the article is accepted, it will be published.