

Neha, Abhishek Bhatnagar


Vol. 2, Jul-Dec, 2015

Date of Submission: 2015-06-02 Date of Acceptance: 2015-07-12 Date of Publication: 2015-07-20


Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks is different from routing in AD-HOC networks as nodes are randomly deployed. There are three types of routing in the WSNs: Flat, Hierarchical and Location Based Routing. The paper discusses the problem in one of the existing routing protocol in Hierarchical routing and suggests an improvement to deal with the problem. This paper work proposes a hierarchical routing protocol ESAC which shows energy efficiency. Our technique selects cluster head with highest residual energy in each communication round of transmission and the shortest distance to the base station(or next cluster head) from the cluster heads. And we also focus on position of the base station as well as the equal area of each cluster in the network


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